Thursday, April 26, 2007


let say i've been seeing somebody exclusive for a about a month now and we've been out on several dates already. i like this somebody and she likes me back. and just recently we've become official.

the thing is this, i still have a thing for my ex who i never see or talk to these days but who i still constantly think about. we're not emotionally involved now, at least on her part.

and there's this other thing. actually another person... who has a thing for me. we always hang out whenever i'm not with my official. i do like her but you know, not in that way. (or that's what i think...)

so hypothetically, am i a cheat? would you consider thinking of another person as more than a friend while in your a relationship an act of disloyalty? or does it have to cross over to something physical before you see it as cheating? hypothetically...


  1. as they say, "basta ex, move on na..." :)

    it depends on what do you mean about "official". official meaning kayo na? official meaning you're exclusively dating?

    anyway, if you mean either of the two (which is somehow relative to each other), i guess you're cheating. once you imposed to each other na you guys are official, it's as good as you're committed to her. but as long as the official one knows when you're with the unofficial, and she's ok with it, i guess you're not cheating. :)

  2. well hypothetically i'm moving on.

    so if i'm just thinking of another person other than my official it isn't considered cheating?

    official as in official. hypothetically literally. :P

    so hypothetically if i tell my official whenever i'm with unofficial it isn't cheating anymore? what if i fail to tell my official about unofficial because for me what i have with unofficial it's just nothing?(although some part of me knows that it is not nothing at all with unofficial) would that be considered cheating? hypothetically...

  3. make up your mind jam!

    . . . and they say women are fickle


  4. If your cup is full, you can not pour in the new.

  5. jona: can't you see that i'm all woman? :P

    chicks: get a new cup then? :P

    kaka:not really. i just tend to complicate things. :P

  6. You are not a cheater in that case.

    But hey, you only stated you like her, and she likes you back. What about LOVE?

    And please be careful of the other person, the one that you hang out with when you are not with your official. She might assume that you have a thing for her, poor girl. She might be thinking that you are just waiting for the right time. Make it clear for her that you are just friends.

    Or better yet, stick up to your commitment and leave all these girls behind. With that you can stop being confused.

  7. if i was really in this situation i wouldn't lead this girl that i know who likes me.


    or i wouldn't lead anyone at all regardless of circumstance.
