Saturday, October 03, 2009


i know i haven't posted anything for a long (long long) while now. and i think it's safe to assume that this year will be the lowest output of entries this blog will have in it's 5 year (wow!) run.

i do have legit reasons why this is so. there's work and facebook and plurk and twitter and mafia wars and work and procrastination and laziness and arthritis and work. but yeah, the more i think about these so called reasons the more i think that they're just excuses.

so this i promise you, (my lone loyal reader), next year i'll make an effort to post something everyday. yes, everyday! up to the point that you'd be cursing yourself why you wished that my writing dry spell was over. well, let's hope that it wouldn't come to that point. hehe.

(also i'll try to update my other blog, albeit not as often as this one.)


  1. every day? eto ba ang new goal? ang hirap nun ah. :P

  2. so when will the everyday update start?

  3. @tseri: make an effort to post something everyday. key words: make an effort hehe.

    @aissa: most probably start of next year.
