Wednesday, December 08, 2004


fact1: there are 12 months in 1 year.
fact2: there are 4 weeks in 1 month.
fact3: there are 7 days in 1 week.
fact4: there are 365 days in 1 year.

let's try to find out the number of weeks in a year by multiplying the number of weeks in a month (fact2) by the number of months in a year (fact1),

4 x 12 = 48

that is 48 weeks (result1)

now let us try to divide the number of days in a year (fact4) with the number of days in a week (fact3),

365 ÷ 7 ≈ 52

that is 52 weeks. (result2)

notice that there is a discrepancy between our two results. let us compute this discrepancy,

| 48 - 52 | = 4 (result3)

that is 4 weeks, which is equal to a month(!).

so technically speaking, in a year there are actually 13 months.

thus the 13th month pay exist. so you shouldn't call this pay as an "extra" or a "bonus" pay because you are just getting what you are supposed to receive.

i think we should demand for the companies that employ us to give us real christmas bonuses. hehe.Ü